Published onSeptember 10, 2017Examining the Changes in Religious Beliefs - Part 2SingaporeRspatialsg-socialvisualisationExploring the changes in religious beliefs in Singapore between 2000 to 2015
Published onAugust 31, 2017Notes on Regression - Method of MomentsregressionolsnotesEstablishing the OLS formula via the method of moments approach
Published onAugust 29, 2017Mapping the Distribution of Religious Beliefs in SingaporeSingaporeRspatialsg-socialvisualisationExamining the spatial distribution of Singapore's population
Published onAugust 23, 2017Notes on Regression - ProjectionregressionolsnotesDeriving the OLS estimator - projection method
Published onAugust 17, 2017Thesis Thursday 7 - ConclusionThesis-ThursdayRStataThe last installment of the Thesis Thursday series - some miscellaneous thoughts and lessons learnt over the past few months